As a result of changes to federal law enacted by Congress in the FY 2022 National Defense Authorization Act, the Parental Leave benefit provided 12 weeks of nonchargeable, paid parental leave to service members who welcome a child into their family through birth, adoption or long-term foster care placement. Both birth and no-birth parents are eligible for parental leave. Initially the program only applied to active-duty service members and reservists on active duty for more than 12 consecutive months. But under those policies, drilling reservists were not eligible for benefits.

With emphasis from EANGUS, NGAUS, and other reserve organizations, Section 601 of the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act, approved last year, authorized paid maternity and parental leave for drilling reservists and National Guard members.  The benefit provides up to 12 paid IDT periods (equivalent to six days of drill) within 12 months and includes non-birthing parents. The bill also included the award of one retirement point for each IDT period missed as a result of parental leave taken, which will count towards a good year.  Upon approval by Congress last year, the Services were directed to implement their policies to be in effect by 1 October 2024.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          EANGUS is pleased to announce that the ARNG has just released their guidance pertaining to M-Day parental leave. PPOM 24-035 is attached at the link below.  It outlines the processes for Army National Guard members to claim and receive credit for parental leave. This policy is specific to the ARNG, but an update to DAFI 36-3003 was distributed by NGB/ANG earlier this year and is also attached below.  Passage of the Parental Leave Act and inclusion in the NDAA has been a priority for EANGUS for the last several years. Per Chris Rollins, Chair of the EANGUS Committee on Resolutions, the implementation of these policies, means that EANGUS Resolution 23-16 can now be considered “accomplished.”



The complete list of EANGUS Resolutions, Legislative Priorities, and current Calls to Action, can be found on the EANGUS website at: http://dev.eangus.org/legislative/ 


If you are interested in the EANGUS Resolutions process or know of a policy or law that is impacting National Guard members, please review the attached updated Resolutions SOP for instructions or contact EANGA President Mary Thompson at eangaorg@gmail.com for information on how to get involved in effecting change for our members.


ARNG GUIDANCE:  PPOM 24-035 Reserve Component Maternity-Parental Leave

USAF/ANG REGULATION:  DAFI 36-3003 – Military Leave 7 Aug 2024