President’s Message:

Hello and Happy Holidays! It’s hard to believe it’s that time of year already, but here we are in the midst of it. I hope that each of you are able to get some time away from your normal duties to spend time with family and friends.

We’re also at the time of year when EANGA makes another push to increase our membership. We set a goal to reach at least 500 enlisted members by the end of the year and with your help, we made it and will finish the year with at least 540! “Thank you” for your continued support and membership and thank you for sharing our mission with other National Guard members. Reaching and maintaining a membership of 501 or more enlisted members will entitle us to an additional delegate (and vote) when we attend the EANGUS National Conference in Reno, NV in August 2025. Having more members also increases our clout and voice when we advocate for benefits on Capitol Hill and at the State Legislature. Please continue to encourage others to JOIN the association. The “New to EANGUS” FREE Digital membership is still available and we’re also offering discounted memberships for current and former EANGUS-EANGA members through 31 December 2024. Share this E-Newsletter with others in your unit or work area, use the link below to sponsor another Soldier or Airman’s membership, and don’t forget to use the appropriate Discount Code to join/renew.

P.S. In January, we’ll kick off the application period for the EANGUS and EANGA Scholarship programs. As you know, your membership makes you, your spouse, and your dependent children eligible to apply for both the State and National Scholarship Programs. With over $400,000 in full-tuition and cash scholarships being awarded each year, this is one of the primary benefits we provide to our members, which also makes this the perfect time to join. Check out the additional info on scholarships below!

I also want to remind you that you’re welcome you to dial into and attend any of our monthly EANGA Board meetings — they are conducted virtually on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 1700 hours, and last no more than one hour. If you would like to attend, please contact me at and we’ll add you to our meeting attendee mailing list.

Thank you for your continued membership and Happy Holidays!

Read the full E-Newsletter HERE!

Mary Thompson, MSgt, AZANG
EANGA President