The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) is seeking support for a companion bill in the House of Representatives supporting S. 1291, The Record of Military Service for Members of the Armed Forces Act of 2021, introduced by Senator Peters (MI), Senator Lankford (OK), Senator Tester (MT), and Senator Moran (KS).
With the global demand not abating for Reserve Component (Reserves and National Guard) members, more and more citizen warriors are called to duty. Since the Reserve Components are part of the “Total Force,” all members, past, and present, should be treated equally with regard to the DD 214. This, however, is not the case when it is issued to the RC member.
Currently, not all Reserve Component (RC) members receive a DD 214 when they are separated, discharged, or retired from military service. This is a problem for RC members because the VA and other federal and state government agencies usually require veterans to provide a copy of the DD 214 to qualify for veteran benefits.
According to VA Pamphlet 26-7, “There is no one form used by the Reserves or National Guard that is like a DD Form 214…” that meets “Proof of Service Requirements” (Chapter 2). By streamlining the DD 214 for RC members, they will receive credit for their entire service.
The proposed change currently in legislation would provide a DD Form 214 at the same career milestones as active duty. This would ensure predictable 214s that reflect a National Guard and Reserve member’s entire career. It would also help servicemembers and their families obtain state and federal veteran benefits.