EANGUS and EANGA are the only Professional Military Associations that work solely for Enlisted National Guard members and your families! Our mission is to promote, safeguard and improve the status, welfare, and professionalism of enlisted National Guard members, veterans, retirees, and their families through legislation, employment, education, emergency resources and partnerships. We encourage you to help us do this by lending your voice as we advocate for benefits on Capitol Hill and at the State Legislature.
**NEW TO EANGUS** Effective 20 October 2023, all ENLISTED members of the Arizona National Guard are eligible for a complimentary 12-month, digital membership, as long as you’ve not previously been an Enlisted Association member! With this FREE introductory one-year membership, you will receive all publications and information from EANGUS & EANGA digitally via email, so please ensure you provide a personal email address (not .mil or .gov address) when registering so we can keep you informed. To register for this membership, please select the “E1-E9 Annual Membership – Non-Auto Renew” membership category on our Membership Page. Then proceed and follow the prompts entering the Discount Code in all capital letters, and then hit “Apply”. DISCOUNT CODE: DIGITAL
**EANGA END OF YEAR SPECIAL** For current or previous EANGUS & EANGA members, and new or renewing Associate members, we want to save you money too as you continue your membership with us. From 1 October through 31 December 2023, we are offering a special price on ANNUAL and LIFE memberships. Save $5 and get an ANNUAL membership for just $15, …..OR, you can sign up for a LIFE membership for $150 (a savings of $35) and you’ll never need to renew your membership again. To accept this offer, select your membership level on our Membership Page and enter the following Discount Code. Then hit “Apply”, when checking out. DISCOUNT CODE: EOY2023
Please take advantage of one of these special membership offers and join us in our mission! As a member of the Association, you are also entitled to many member benefits (scholarships, insurance, financial assistance, news & publications, professional development, discount programs, etc.) All EANGUS-EANGA members also receive a complimentary membership in the Association of the United States Army (AUSA), so you’re getting membership in two professional associations for the price of one — or free if you sign up for the “New to EANGUS” membership above!
Please check out the Why Join poster at the link below, or get more info on our EANGA website as well as the National Enlisted Association (EANGUS) website at
EANGUS Membership Why Join 6×6 card
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