The 2024 EANGA and NGAAZ State Conferences will be held at the Casino del Sol Resort & Convention Center in Tucson, AZ on 19-20 April 2024. The annual association business meetings will be conducted on the same weekend, and at the same location, as the AZNG Professional Development Program and Civilian, Airmen and Soldier of the Year (CASY) Awards Banquet. With an audience of about 800 to 1,000 Soldiers and Airmen, participants can enjoy a golf tournament on day one (Friday), followed by lunch and a social event in the evening. On day two (Saturday), guests can participate in three distinct events. In the morning, there is a professional development session where Soldiers and Airmen listen to fantastic speakers on a wide range of subjects to foster critical thought, learning, and inspiration. The second part of the day is when EANGA and NGAAZ will conduct their separate business sessions with speakers, discussion of resolutions/legislative activities, and the annual election of officers. The final event is the CASY Banquet hosted by Major General Kerry Muehlenbeck, Arizona’s Adjutant General.
Further information and registration information will be posted as it becomes available on our State Conference webpage at: 2024 EANGA State Conference, AZNG Professional Development, and CASY Banquet | Enlisted Association of the National Guard of Arizona.
We hope to see you there!