To encourage the newest enlisted members of the Arizona National Guard to join EANGUS and our State Association, we have a new offer –please help us spread the word about the New to the Guard Digital Membership!
Upon enlistment, or within the first year of service in the Arizona National Guard, enlisted personnel can receive a complimentary ANNUAL membership in the Enlisted Association. This is a DIGITAL membership so all communications from EANGUS (the National Association) and EANGA (our State Assocation) will be in digital format, via email. New members should provide a personal email address when registering so that we can keep them informed of all the benefits of membership, important State and National events, and the legislative actions we are pursuing on Capitol Hill and in the State Legislature to benefit National Guard members and their families.
Click on image above for more details. Instructions to claim the free “New to the Guard” annual digital membership can be found on the Membership tab of our website at EANGA MEMBERSHIP
NOTE: There is no expiration date to this offer, all new enlisted AZNG members are eligible for this free membership during their first year after enlistment!